Dear Readers,
Today, the relationship between local governments and democracy is getting important, thus revealing the concept of local democracy and democratic local government out. Two principles regenerating democratic system, distinguishing it from other systems and making it unique are the concepts of equality and freedom. Today, local governments are considered fundamental institutions of democracy. Local governments are not only the most important institutions that enable the people to participate in government and gain people the self-governance virtue, but also institutions where democracy is realized in the most effective manner. Local governments are institutions enabling democracy to spread from bottom to top.
As World Academy for Local Government and Democracy (WALD), we have adopted a mission to ensure community-oriented protection through a responsible and decisive local governance with the approach of “Democracy for Everyone, Service for Everyone” since 1993. We strive to produce sustainable, innovative and comprehensive solutions to ensure each part of the society engages in democratic governance actively.
We support these goals through connections we establish with our global and local partners. 2019 was an important year for our country in terms of “living together”, “social trust” and “social cohesion”. Benefiting from the values we gained from our past experiences, we will continue to conduct various projects and add value to human life in 2020 within the framework of a right-based approach in order to enhance social cohesion of refugees who have an important place in Turkey’s agenda, build smart cities, fight against climate change, popularize use of renewable energy, recognize gender equality and disadvantaged groups and create working environments humanely. In this publication that we organized for you, we are kindly submitting our activities that we conduct for Turkey to be democratic and economically dynamic with high in culture of living together for your information by considering right-based approach within 2019 and conjuncture that our country went through in 2019.
We extend our thanks to esteemed members of our Board of Trustees and all our colleagues we walk with who contributed efforts to all activities we conduct in 2019 and touched the lives of people for a peaceful world.
Mehmet DUMAN
WALD Chairman of the Executive Board