Publicity and Visibility Policy

01.              Introduction:


01.01.     The World Academy for Local Government and Democracy (WALD), is a non-profit non-governmental organization, established in 1993 based on the necessity of reviewing and developing the principles for local governments, maintaining that democratic local administrations are the basic institutions to ensure the establishment and survival of democracy and human rights.


01.02.     This policy text includes the concept of organizational publicity and visibility to be developed by the World Academy for Local Government and Democracy (WALD), the resources and limits, which constitute the framework for this approach, and describes the decision powers, the responsibilities of the executives and all employees and members, and the general objectives for the publicity and visibility studies.


01.03.     The WALD publicity activities aim to protect and develop reliability and quality, to express itself correctly with all means of communication and to ensure that the institution facilitates an appropriate communication strategy.


02.              Scope:


02.01.     WALD's Publicity and Visibility Policy includes the rules, which must be complied with by all WALD staff (board of trustees, board of directors, supervisory board, full-time and part-time employees, project staff, trainees and volunteers), the collaborating institutions and the entities institutions and persons from which services are purchased from.


02.02.     The framework for project-based joint activities of publicity and visibility with the funding organizations, is set out in the "World Academy for Local Government and Democracy (WALD) Public Disclosure and Visibility Policy."


02.03.     The WALD Publicity and Visibility Policy is an integral part of WALD's other policy documents and implementation guidelines, and supports and reinforces each other in interaction with other policy texts.


03.              Definitions:


03.01.     Publicity: Each step taken to increase WALD's recognition at national and international non-governmental organizations, national and international networks, beneficiaries, stakeholders, other sectors, potential volunteers and the entire work team is defined as publicity. All events, meetings, social harmonization activities, press relations and printed materials as well as all visual and written materials are part of publicity.


03.02.     Publicity strategy: The implementation approach and plans to be prepared to announce WALD's organizational identity based on its activities, targets and future plans are defined as publicity strategy.


03.03.     Visibility: All activities to increase the widespread recognition of WALD's in-project and non-project applications are part of visibility works. Visibility works should be in line with the publicity strategy. Establishment, strengthening and diversification of relations with the relevant institutions shall also be dealt with in this context in order to increase visibility.


03.04.     Visibility materials: All publications, announcements, press releases, advertisings, digital broadcasts, audio-visual tools and outputs presented in this context are defined as visibility materials. Logos, letterheads, business cards, digital labels, clipboards, signboards, pennants, banners, brochures, clothing products, concepts of letter, color, material, etc. are also defined as visibility materials. Use of these materials is included in WALD's Corporate Identity activities.

03.05.     Logo: WALD's logo has a round shape. The first line in this figure has the foundation's name ”World Local Government and Democracy Academy Foundation." The word WALD as the abbreviation of the foundation's name in English is located in the middle of the logo, dividing the logo into the upper and lower parts. The logo has the corporate colors of the foundation, black and yellow, and bears the black building motifs on a yellow background, which represents the local governments, and three black longitude and one black latitude figures on the yellow background, indicate that the foundation's area of activity has an international dimension. Logo's size and corporate colors may not be changed for any purpose. The main element representing all activities financedi organized and carried out by WALD is the WALD logo. The WALD logo can be seen below:  


03.06.     Web page: It is the digital website used to create, support and represent WALD's corporate identity and to promote the foundation's works. It is located at In the event of updating the website, the word "WALD" may remain fixed, while the web site's URL extension may be altered.


03.07.     Social Media Accounts: WALD's social media accounts include the existing Twitter account as well as the foundation's Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts to be created in order to support the corporate identity and to promote the activities. The page name and the profile names must be chosen in the same way as the name and corporate identity of the foundation.


Addresses: Twitter: 





03.08.     WALD employees confirm the use of audio and visual materials, including their own, for the visibility of the WALD activities after their employment contracts enter into effect.

04.              Publicity and Visibility Policies


·                    Transparency and Flexibility: A clear, constructive and problem-solving communication approach helps achieve a common understanding for the Foundation's objectives and helps establish a network among various organizations involved in its implementation.

·                    Consistency and expressiveness: It provides a clear demonstration of projects carried out by the Foundation to all parties.

·                    Up-to-date information and equal communication: It requires providing up-to-date information about the program and the project for the contracting authority, the beneficiaries, the practitioners and the public.

·                    Experience and exchange of know-how: Exchanging know-how is important, because programs and projects need success stories and "best practices", and there is a constant need to share information on how to avoid and solve problems.  

·                    Publicity Activities: It helps introduce the activities and concrete results of the projects, not only to the project parties and stakeholders, but also to the public.


05.              Objectives of Publicity and Visibility Policies

·                    To introduce WALD's projects to non-aware institutions and organizations and citizens. 

·                    To emphasize the importance of strong and effective projects with social content, aiming to achieve the Foundation's objectives and to improve its quality.

·                    To develop projects for better living conditions and more employment for all.

·                    To ensure unconditional transparency in the implementation of programs and projects.

·                    To ensure effective internal communication between all relevant parties/institutions/authorities.

·                    To provide complete, timely, responsible and effective information for the specified objectives.

·                    To make all information available to potential partners.

·                    To ensure the visibility and multiplication of the results obtained by the implementation of the projects.

·                    To share information on the intersecting issues in the program and to raise awareness.


06.              Roles and Responsibilities:


06.01.     The Foundation of the World Academy for Local Government and Democracy (WALD) Publicity and Visibility Policy is approved and ensured by the Foundation's Board of Directors.


06.02.     Implementation of the World Academy for Local Government and Democracy (WALD) Publicity and Visibility Policy shall be the responsibility of the team conducting the communication activities of the foundation.


06.03.     Informing the team members such as the employees, volunteers, interns, consultants, etc. on the policy and getting their approval shall be the duty of the Academy Director and the Administrative and Financial Officer.


06.04.     It is the responsibility of the communication team to inform the public on the publicity and visibility practices, and to effectively include and orientate the project teams in the implementation process. The communication team cooperates with the Project Coordinators, Team Leaders and communication staff (if any) in the projects in order to implement and follow up the publicity and visibility activities.


06.05.     Each member of the WALD team and the collaborating experts, individuals and organizations may take part in the activities provided that they agree to comply with this policy. Non-compliance with this policy constitutes a violation of the Foundation's principles and policies. Measures defined regarding policy violations in the employment and/or cooperation agreement shall be taken.


07.              Cooperating Institutions and Organizations:


07.01.     WALD's Publicity and Visibility Policy is shared with donors, partners, service providers in joint activities. Compliance with WALD's Publicity and Visibility Policy shall be required for publishing WALD's related information and activities.


07.02.     During the activities held jointly by the funding institutions and organizations, the visibility policies of the two institutions are implemented.


08.              Policy and Procedures:


08.01.     WALD's Publicity and Visibility Policy is an integral part of WALD's policy documents.


08.02.     The framework of this policy is determined by:


·                    the foundation's publicity strategy,

·                    WALD's Social Protection Policy,

·                    WALD's Privacy Policy for Foundation Information and Documents,

·                    Arrangements made by the foundation for the donors,

·                    WALD's Gender Equality Policy,

·                    and Law No. 6698 on on Protection of Personal Data.


08.03.     Avoiding violent and discriminatory rhetoric, competitive and confrontational manners, and a solution-oriented approach are fundamental principles of WALD's Publicity and Visibility Policy.


08.04.     The publicity strategy is a general framework, and specific strategies related to the project's objectives may be created in the projects. However, these strategies may not conflict with the general strategy.


08.05.     The publicity strategy shall be designed by the communication team and submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.


08.06.     WALD's publicity strategy may be developed annually and/or periodically in accordance with the foudnation's perspectives and targets. However, changes in environmental dynamics or targets shall be redesigned. The publicity strategy should be known to the entire WALD team, and the communication team shall promote dissemination of the information on the Publicity and Visibility Policy.


08.07.     The communication responsible of the projects are considered as members of the publicity and visibility team directly, and they make the work plan within this scope. The communication officers of the projects shall report on the publicity and visibility team leader. The communication officers of the projects continue communication with the project coordinator for the publicity and visibility targets. Each project team should proceed in cooperation with the publicity and visibility team in the project steps (campaign, announcement, brochures, etc.) for publicity and visibility.


08.08.     In the activities organized inside and outside of WALD, visibility materials shall be used; The materials shall be prepared in cooperation with the communication team or only by the communication team. In addition, support may be obtained from experts or organizations within the framework of the privacy policy in the development of materials.


08.09.     Materials, which are compatible with the visibility strategy shall be created on the website, printed publications, materials and digital publications.


08.10.     Periodic arrangements shall be made in coordination with the communication team via the website.


08.11.     All materials including press releases, announcements, bulletins or annual report summaries published under the signature of the "World Academy of Local Government and Democracy (WALD)" are disseminated with the approval of the Board of Directors.

08.12.     In the project-based materials, such as thematic presentations, research reports, thematic strategy documents; WALD's visibility principles shall be applied and everyone involved in the production process shall be mentioned as "contributors" with their expertise specified.


08.13.     WALD's logo is used in all printed, written and promotional materials of the foundation. The logo shall be obtained from the presentation and visibility team or from the digital library for appropriate for printing.

08.14.     Presentation materials and presentation files used in or outside of the project activities should contain the WALD logo, and the visibility of the corporate identity should also be provided in these materials.

08.15.     Management of the social media accounts shall be the responsibility of the foundation's communication team. The usage of the social media accounts shall include a wide range of goals such as sharing news from WALD's activities, raising the recognition of the corporate identity, disseminating relevant information on the activity field and purpose, reaching donors, supporters and volunteers, and announcing job advertisements.

08.16.     All employees, volunteers, trainees, consultants and experts are expected to follow WALD social media accounts, and to contribute to these accounts in order to raise awareness and recognition.


08.17.     In disseminating information on WALD, it is the basic principle to share such information from the foundation's social media accounts or the website first, and then to share these by the work team to ensure compliance with the corporate publicity principles and the publicity strategy.


08.18.     The team may not disseminate activity images before they are shared on WALD's official accounts.


08.19.     Violations of WALD's publicity and visibility policy shall be subject to review and intervention by the communication team and the Board of Directors. In such cases, the European Union legislation shall also be taken into consideration.

09.              Enforcement:


09.01.     WALD's Publicity and Visibility Policy shall enter into force after approval by WALD's Board of Directors. WALD's Board of Directors shall be referred to for all kinds of notifications and complaints on the issue.