Dear Readers,
As World Academy for Local Government and Democracy (WALD), we have adopted a mission to ensure community-oriented protection through a responsible and decisive local governance with the approach of “Democracy for Everyone, Service for Everyone” since 1993. We strive to produce sustainable, innovative and inclusive solutions to ensure that each part of the society actively engages in democratic governance. We support these goals through connections we establish with our global and local partners.
Local democracy is the most efficient system to meet the requests and needs of public in every sub-divisions possible. The reason behind the existence of local governments is the faith in democracy. And participation is the most essential prerequisite for functionality and applicability of democracy. “Partipatory democracy” is now a common ground where everyone meet on. Local governments that have been formed to fulfill the social needs in an efficient, productive and appropriate manner are also very critical in ensuring democracy and participation at the local levels. Public participation in the running of local governments is much easier compared to centralized administrations and deemed to last longer when it is a democratic participation. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have been greatly advancing in support, contribution, participation and collaboration spheres of governance. Through their participatory government requests, today NGOs help to enable the public participation in governing as well as reveal the approaches of individuals and social segments to the democratic running. Participatory/deliberative governance intends to achieve active participation of individuals and social segments through NGOs. This type of governance is considered as an initiative aiming to increase the capacity of democratic running. For the first time, international literatures included the principles underlying the improvement of democratic running through NGOs, and achieving collaboration between central and local governments and NGOs.
With our invaluable past experiences, we will continue to cherish Turkey’s values through the same determination and commitment and localize the Global Sustainable Development Goals. In line with this purpose, we will keep carrying out several projects in order to build smart cities, fight against climate change, spread the use of renewable energy, pay attention to social gender equality and disadvantaged groups, and create humane business and working environments; above all, we will adopt a right-based approach in our activities to add more value to the lives of people.
We attach particular importance to the participation of our partners from every part of society as well as other actors of civil society in all activities intended for the development of civil society. We extend our thanks to esteemed members of our Board of Trustees, our partners and colleagues, all of whom have contributed to 27-year history of WALD. I hope this cooperation shall grow stronger.
Mehmet DUMAN
WALD Chairman of the Executive Board