Visit to Küçükçekmece District Governorate

Hülya ALPER WALD Academy Director and the accompanying team paid a visit to Turan BEDİRHANOĞLU, District Governor of Küçükçekmece, in his office. At the meeting, the preparations for the Küçükçekmece district-level coordination meeting were discussed.

In the meeting held on 20 August 2021, District Governor Bedirhanoğlu was briefed about the services provided by the WALD Küçükçekmece Social Protection Desk. The total number of services and the application reasons were shared and the efforts to improve the quality of services provided for refugees were evaluated. The parties agreed to increase the cooperation and coordination between WALD and Küçükçekmece District Governorship.

In the meeting, the draft agenda of the district coordination meeting, which brings together the relevant actors for a better management of migration in the district, was discussed. Parties decided to start the work for the district-level coordination meeting to be held in the first week of September 2021.