Every Child is an Individual, and Living is Their Fundamental Right

World Children's Rights Day is celebrated worldwide every year on November 20th to raise awareness about the protection of the rights of all children, including health, nutrition, and education rights. In this regard, WALD organized a program on November 16, 2023, with the theme "Every Child is an Individual, and Living is Their Fundamental Right!" within the framework of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

During the event, psychologists explained children's rights within the framework of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, including the right to education, health, play, and participation in artistic and cultural activities. Experiential activities related to these rights were carried out. Additionally, a video presentation was made using photos taken by participating children before the event. After watching the video, the children took the stage, presenting banners with slogans related to their rights.

As WALD, “Every Child is an Individual and Living is Their Fundamental Right!” we believe that every child has the right to have and protect a name and citizenship, the right to access education and healthcare, the right to decent living standards, and the right to be protected from abuse, neglect and economic exploitation.


“Every Right for Every Child, Everywhere!