Due to globalisation and political, economic and social crises in the international arena, migration has become a central issue in the world, and studies in this field have picked up speed. Globalisation abolishes boundaries between countries but at the same time gives rise to new ones. Today, the phenomenon of migration has become even more critical in the globalising world order. People come from different geographies and as a result give rise to intercultural interaction. Therefore, it is seen that today international migration has become a very important phenomenon for many countries.
Migration, being a result of various reasons, causes different cultures to meet and know each other, as well as creating intercultural conflicts. Although immigrating to far lands and crossing boundaries is as old as human history, the concept of international migration, in the sense it is considered as today, was only developed since the 19th century. For during this century, the sovereignty of nation-states, which was being established on the basis of ethnic and cultural unity, was wielded on the land they identified as theirs, as well as on their citizens living in these areas through their political power, emerged in its most distinct form, and achieved international recognition. This gave rise to a process involving the identification of national boundaries, and the registration of those passing through these boundaries under the identities of “citizen” and “alien.” In this sense, the phenomenon referred to as “refuge” came into existence.
Refuge affects both the individual who is forced to leave their country, and the target country and its citizens. Therefore, the solution to the problem requires policies involving global partnerships. If the causes for this global mobility were to be eliminated, the negative results of refuge would be minimized. Unfortunately, sources are sparse regarding migration, even though it has currently become an important issue. As an institution maintaining that a more livable world can be achieved by protecting rights and equality, we too carry out various studies in the hopes of shedding light over the topic of migration, and the problems it causes.
I am happy to introduce you our publication on International Migration, in which we, as World Academy for Local Government and Democracy (WALD), tackle migration, which is among the most important subjects of the 21st century. I am convinced that our book “Syrians Under Temporary Protection in Turkey: Findings and Recommendations,” in which we examine migration in its various aspects, will prove a very useful source not only for local governments, but also for everyone carrying out research on the topic of migration. This edition was enhanced further with the addition of new articles written by esteemed scholars. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all academics allowing us to benefit from their valuable ideas, and to all those who had a share in bringing you this book.
Best Regards,
Mehmet DUMAN
WALD Chairman of the Executive Board