Tansel KAYA
Tansel Kaya graduated from Computer Engineering at Boğaziçi University and Faculty of Computer Science at Northeastern University. His areas of expertise are distributed networks, encrypting and wireless network security. He was a part of the Flarion team, which developed the first 4G systems and was bought by Qualcomm for 800 million dollars. He also worked at Information Technologies companies such as Airties, Intel and Qualcomm in executive positions. He has been managing the Mindstone team, who actively develops cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects since 2013. The company works on privacy coins and cryptocurrency exchange markets. Starting with the cryptocurrency design process, the company develops core and additional software such as mobile and desktop wallets, and mining pools. He co-teaches the course "Introduction to Cryptocurrencies" at Kadir Has University with İsmail Hakkı Polat. Kaya has been a member of the Board of Trustees of WALD since 2019.