Prof. Muhammed Kürşat YELKEN
Prof. Muhammed Kürşat Yelken graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Ankara University in 2000. Continuing his studies at the Faculty of Medicine at Istanbul University and Harvard Faculty of Medicine, he completed his master's and doctorate theses. He started working at the Department of Audiology of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Istanbul Üsküdar University as an associate professor, which he then continued as a professor. Currently, he is successfully continuing his work at Otorhinolaryngology Head and Nech Surgery Department of the Istanbul Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine. He has been granted many awards throughout his career due to the valuable work he has done in institutions such as TUBITAK and Harvard University. The President of Ses Konuşma Yutma Bozuklukları Derneği (Foundation for Voice, Speaking, Swallowing Disorders), a member of Turkish Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery and a member of Istanbul Association of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Yelken has been a member of the WALD Board of Trustees since 2018.