Having graduated from the Department of Industrial Engineering at Yıldız Technical University in 1990, Çağrıcı held senior executive positions in several companies and worked in commerce until 1999. In addition to his work in the private sector, Çağrıcı started his political career in 1990 and was elected a member of Bağcılar Municipality District Council in 1999. Serving as a member and Deputy Chairman of the District Council until May 11, 2007, he was elected as the mayor of Bağcılar Municipality when Bağcılar Founding Mayor Feyzullah Kıyıklık was elected as an Istanbul MP from AK Party in the General Elections of May 2007. Having got a voting rate of 57.89 in the Local Elections of March 31 2019, Çağırıcı was elected the Mayor of Bağcılar Municipiality for the 3rd time.
In addition to his position as the Mayor of Bağcılar Municipality, Çağrıcı is also the President of Bağcılar Union of Amateur Sports Clubs, Deputy President of Marmara Municipalities Union, Vice President of the Union of Turkish World Municipalities, a member of the Board of Trustees of the World Academy for Local Government and Democracy (WALD), Assistant Vice President of Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe and a member of the United Cities and Local Governments Middle East West Asia (UCLG-MEWA).