Asst. Prof. Gönül ÖNAL
Gönül ÖNAL graduated from high school with a first degree. She graduated from Hacettepe University, Health Sciences Faculty in 1975. She obtained a degree in Industrial Relations from Dokuz Eylül University in 1980. She also had her master degree and doctorate from the same university. After graduation, she worked as lead expert in the field of fairs and exhibitions for The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) from 1981 until 1987. She has served as the founding expert for the prime ministerial collective and public partnership administration between 1987-1990. She is a prominent Economist and she has been working as an advisor for the high level officials in the field of sustainability and economic policies. She served as an advisor for Tansu Çiller during her mission at the prime ministry between 1990-1993. She had become the chairperson of Meysu, the first juice producing company established in Turkey. She has worked for her own company in the field of providing expertise between 2000-2015 and has provided consultancy to the leading companies such as Meksan. Since 2016, her work is focused on women participation in the economy, promotion of women work in policy-making, equity, animal rights and sustainability in the local governments. Currently, she is also working on establishing a working and producing niche for endemic plants in Şile, Istanbul.